The Jerry Ambrose Veterams Council is a coaliton of various organizations and dedicated indivuduals, from all parts of Mohave County who have come together in order to support Veterans needing a "Hand up". The Jerry Ambrose Veterams Council of Mohave County, Inc. (JAVC) is an established 501(c)3 Public Charity and a member of the Unified Arizona Veterans (
“Operation 6: I Got Your Back” is a three phase program plan by the Jerry Ambrose Veterans Council to buy the building, identify homeless veterans and help them find housing and gainful employment.
The Operation #6 Project is designed to provide transitional services to homeless and at-risk military veterans. It is a “Hands up” program planning to assist up to 25 residents at a time. Many resources and services will be on-site with others an easy walk away.”
Arnold Plaza is a home to 25 small apartments homeless veterans will use as transitional housing. Accommodations will be coordinated through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA
Supportive Housing Program. The VA allows veterans 90 days in such housing before they are made to leave.
JAVC rejects the one-size-fits-all philosophy and will give veterans the opportunity to truly be prepared. They will remain onsite where their job skills will be assessed if they are able to work. If they are unable to work, permanent housing will be found and they will be assisted with filing paperwork to obtain Social Security. |